Thursday, July 30, 2009

closed pipeline

I found a really cool Random Word Generator while I was goofing around *ahem* doing some research, and I thought I'd use it to introduce a new series on i was thinking ...

I thought I'd call it Word Of The Day or something, but that seems so vanilla. Then I saw that my random word generator has a Random Phrase Generator, and I thought that might be fun.

So I'll pop in there every now and again and get a random phrase to write about. Sounds like fun, right?

This is a funny phrase since I work with pipelines. It makes me think of the Alaskan Pipeline, which is ludicrously long and prob'ly should be closed, but it's not.

The Trans-Alaskan Pipeline connects oil fields in northern Alaska with the port at Valdez (Yes, that Valdez). It cost $800,000,000,000 to build and 31 workers were killed during construction. It is 48 inches wide, 800 miles long and it has not stopped leaking since it was built.

That's just ridiculous.

A pipeline can carry many things, though, not just oil. Pipelines can carry water, gas, juice, sewage, chocolate milk, even information. In fact, I'm pretty sure the only requisite there is for being a pipeline is that something must be constructed of pipes. In a line.

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